Earth friendly textile pieces made using natural fibres, plant dyes, sweet incantation & love.

Every textile piece is naturally botanically hand dyed in our small and sunny art studio surrounded by our garden on the South Coast of England where we grow harvest and process a verity of plants for their colour properties.

All pieces are a celebration to honour the intricate diversity within our ecosystem, It is a commitment to caring for the earth and community as well as personal wellbeing.

Our collections grow organically with the seasons so you would find something new with each visit.




Our handmade items adhere to Fair Trade principles, benefiting the family and village based groups that produce them, ensuring that the wealth generated by the labour involved goes directly to the people who create them.

We are proud to be a part of this cottage based industry and to support the artists who create these beautiful pieces.

Visit our Shop                      Be part of the Change

Visit our Shop Be part of the Change